Friday, 12 January 2018

Book: "Kangaroo Island, Past and Present"

"Kangaroo Island, Past and Present, being a short history of the oldest settlement of South Australia" by Kingscote Country Women's Association, c 1955. Printed in South Australia by "The Advertiser" printing office, Adelaide.

In the early 1950s the Kingscote Country Women's Association published a book of records and recollections called "Kangaroo Island Past and Present". The book mentions a great many people and places but does not have an index. In 2017 - 18, Anne Tichborne produced an index in three parts that will be useful to historians and anyone researching the people of Kangaroo Island.  The index is in three parts: People, Places, Ships and Wrecks.

This Link will take you to a permanent page where you can access the index.


The subject of this Blog is the History of South Australia's biggest island and the Genealogy of its people.

I'm engaged in a project to put all of Kangaroo Island's Early Settlers on WikiTree, the free genealogy site that aims to connect all the world's people through our family trees. This Blog is where I will make notes, argue with myself and collect references, photos and so on.

I'm a member of the Kangaroo Island Pioneers Association and the Genealogy and Heraldry Society of South Australia. My interest goes beyond birth dates and relationship - I want to know about the lives of the people who preceded me in this place we call South Australia. My forebear, George Granger, was one of those who settled on Kangaroo Island in the early days of the colony and there are people still living there who are related to me.

If you have a story to tell that's related to Kangaroo Island or its people, please do tell me about it - just Post a Comment below. 

Enough said. Now let's get down to it.